Tools / Accessories

Spraymaster 200

Tools / Accessories
Spraymaster 200
The spraying aid for an easy application of our spray products. It enables the handling of spray cans just as easily as a spray gun.
Sprühhilfe für Sprühdosen

For clean and efficient operations with all Jaeger spray cans, except for marking spray 753, 756 und 761. This spray accessory allows professional control of spray cans, similar to using a spray gun. For convenient painting of larger areas and places that are difficult to access.

product data

item number/shade

item number shade
200-0000 schwarz

size of trading unit/box content

size of trading unit box content
1 Stk.1
suitable products
Grundierung für saugende Untergründe zum Sprühen von Jaegerlacke
Isolierweiss in der Spraydose um Flecken aller Art zu isolieren
Heizkörperlack in der Spraydose
Universalgrundierung zum Sprühen von Jaegerlacke - Multigrund