Office- and communication paints

Whiteboard wipes 083

Office- and communication paints
Whiteboard wipes 083
Ready-to-use alcohol-free cleaning wipes for quick and easy cleaning of whiteboards.

Whiteboard cleaning wipes for removing whiteboard markers

Ready-to-use alcohol-free cleaning wipes for quick and easy cleaning of whiteboards. Perfect for offices, conference and training rooms or schools.


Cleaning wipes for all requirements for cleaning whiteboards and surfaces coated with whiteboard paint. The cleaning wipes have been specially developed for use on whiteboards to ensure that they do not damage them but only clean them. The wipes are supplied in a resealable packaging so that the wipes stay fresh and moist for future cleaning purposes.


Wipe the cloth in a circular motion over the surface. If the cloth is dry and dirty, take a new one.


Close the lid after use to prevent the towels from drying out.


product data

item number/shade

item number shade
083 50 wipes- 18 x 20 cm

size of trading unit/box content

size of trading unit box content
1 Stk.0
suitable products
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