Office- and communication paints

2K-Aqua whiteboard paint 390

Office- and communication paints
2K-Aqua whiteboard paint 390
Easily convert walls into a whiteboard: With the Aqua whiteboard paint, you can create a whiteboard wall that can be written on, which is dry-wipeable.
Zweikomponentige Whiteboardfarbe von Jaegerlacke
usage calculator
Please enter here the surface size in m².
result at a averaged usage from 6 m²/kg:
per coat
Please consider: the usage values are ca.-values and could varied depending on the constitution of the underground

Write-on whiteboard paint in white and colourless

  • for multifunctional surfaces: Pre-paint with JAEGER Aqua magnetic paint
  • white or transparent
  • glossy or matt
  • easy to apply and clean
  • can be written on with whiteboard pens
  • outstanding weather and UV resistance
  • Hiding power class 2 with coverage of 6 m²/kg

The alternative to the whiteboard. Whiteboards are needed in every conference and training room. But the bulky, white plastic boards are not attractive. With the two-components JAEGER whiteboard paint, any flat surface can now be transformed into a whiteboard wall very unobtrusively. The best thing about it: It doesn’t need to be white at all, for a subtle or striking colour design, the whiteboard paint is also available as a transparent coating. The surface can be designed in silk matt or glossy.
With the JAEGER whiteboard cleaner, all traces of the whiteboard marker can be removed again without any residue at all. An elegant and modern solution, which pleasantly breaks through the conventional, usually sober look of training and conference rooms.


product data

spreading rate

paint/roll spraying
ca. 6 m²/kgca. 5 m²/kg

item number/shade

item number shade
390-0801 weiß glänzend (RAL 9016)
390-0802 weiß seidenglänzend (ca. RAL 9016)
390-0001 farblos glänzend
390-0002 farblos seidenglänzend

size of trading unit/box content

size of trading unit box content
750 g1
2,5 kg1
suitable products
Projektionsfarbe von Jaeger
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