Office- and communication paints

Whiteboard cleaner 082

Office- and communication paints
Whiteboard cleaner 082
For removing dried-on residues of whiteboard markers on whiteboards and surfaces that have been painted with whiteboard paint.

Whiteboard cleaner is a highly effective cleaner for all types of whiteboards and can be used indoors without any problem. Ideal for the removal of dirt on whiteboard markers.

It is highly effective, with its synergetic combination of active substances. Stubborn stains are also removed this way.

Simply spray on whiteboard cleaner 082, dirt can also be removed after a brief exposure time. Rinse off with clear water or wipe off with a damp cloth in order to remove cleaner residues.

product data

item number/shade

item number shade
082-0000 Farblos

size of trading unit/box content

size of trading unit box content
250 ml1
suitable products
Zweikomponentige Whiteboardfarbe von Jaegerlacke