Floor and Concrete coatings

Kronalit® Colour Epoxy 862

Floor and Concrete coatings
Kronalit® Colour Epoxy 862
Floor coating on concrete, steel, aluminium, galvanized surfaces and wood. Can be used on floors with forklift traffic
Bodenbeschichtung für die Industrie
usage calculator
Please enter here the surface size in m².
result at a averaged usage from 5 m² / kg:
per coat of paint
Please consider: the usage values are ca.-values and could varied depending on the constitution of the underground

Two-component, high-performance coating for universal use. For general application on concrete, steel, aluminium, galvanised surfaces and wood. For use on floors exposed to forklift traffic, for machines and devices in industrial environments with high levels of chemical stress, and for all other objects exposed to high chemical and mechanical stress. Thinning: Special Thinner 806.

  • Resistant to water, and many chemicals.
  • Resistant to temperatures between -30°C and +140°C in dry heat, and up to +40°C in humid heat.

product data

spreading rate

paint/roll spraying
4-6 m²/kg

item number/shade

item number shade
862-9005 schwarz
862-7001 silbergrau
862-9010 weiss
862-7032 kieselgrau
862-6011 resedagrün
862-1023 verkehrsgelb

size of trading unit/box content

size of trading unit box content
1 kg1
6 kg netto1
15 kg netto1
suitable products
Flüssigkunststoff von Jaeger
Gebindebild, der Spezialverdünnung 806 von Jaegerlacke
Epoxidgrundierung - antikorrosiv
Zweikomponentig PU Bodenbeschichtung im 2,5 Liter Gebinde