Bath renovation system

Basic Tile Cleaner 081

Bath renovation system
Basic Tile Cleaner 081
The tile cleaner removes soap residues, shampoo, hairspray, grease on tiles the before painting with Aqua Tile Finish.

For a thorough cleaning of all types of tiles

Material type:

This tile cleaner is a highly effective cleaner for tiled surfaces for the subsequent coating with Aqua Tile Finish. It is solvent-free and can therefore also be used indoors without any problems. Biodegradable according to DIN EN 29888


Ideal for removing dirt such as soap residues, shampoo, hairspray, oily and greasy residues.


It is highly effective, with its synergetic combination of active substances. Stubborn stains are also removed this way.


Simply spray on the tile cleaner, and the dirt can be removed after a short exposure time. Rinse with clear water. Attention: Since lime stains are not dissolved with this cleaner, the use of a special cleaner (Jaeger Decalcifier Citric Acid) will be required.


product data

item number/shade

item number shade

size of trading unit/box content

size of trading unit box content
500 ml12
suitable products
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