Bath renovation system

Aqua Tile Finish 875

Bath renovation system
Aqua Tile Finish 875
Water-based Tile Finish. 3 in 1 system: Primer, finishing coat and sealing all in one.
Darstellung des Aqua Fliesenlacks im 2,5 Liter Gebinde von Jaeger zur Beschichtung von keramischen Wandfliesen
usage calculator
Please enter here the surface size in m².
result at a averaged usage from 9 m² / l:
per coat of paint
Please consider: the usage values are ca.-values and could varied depending on the constitution of the underground

Single-component tile finish on a water basis without primer for coating indoor ceramic wall tiles. Aqua Tile Finish is a primer, finishing coat and sealing in one step, so that renovation of tile surfaces will be simplified considerably in future. Remove lime scale and clean tiles, then apply the product twice by brushing, rolling or spraying on - the new bathroom is finished. Outstanding adhesion without primer and the excellent coverage support user friendliness. The time saving is enormous, as the priming work step is not required.

Further information in the Aqua Tile Finish flyer...

product data

spreading rate

paint/roll spraying
8 - 10 m²/lca 6 m²/l (one layer enough)

item number/shade

item number shade
8750800 neve (weiß)
8750100 cotone (sandbeige)
8750700 quarzo (hellgrau)
8750701 perla (mittelgrau)
8750702 grafite (dunkelgrau)
8750801 canapa (hellbraun)
8750802 terra (dunkelbraun)

size of trading unit/box content

size of trading unit box content
750 ml3
2,5 l2
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