Marking paints

Kronalux® 2C aqua industrial marking 357

Marking paints
Kronalux® 2C aqua industrial marking 357
Heavy-duty 2K water-based industrial marking for sensitive areas (food industry, warehouses)
Zweikomponentige Industriemarkierung
usage calculator
Please enter here the surface size in m².
result at a averaged usage from 6 m²/kg:
pro Anstrich
Please consider: the usage values are ca.-values and could varied depending on the constitution of the underground

Heavy-duty 2K water-based industrial marking

Kronalux® 2K Aqua Industrial Marking has been specially developed for heavy-duty industrial markings. Ideal for sensitive areas that need to be able to withstand heavy loads again quickly (food industry, storage areas, floors with forklift traffic). Can be used universally on concrete, screed and floor coatings. Suitable for indoor and outdoor areas.

  • Extremely fast drying time! Fully loadable after 24 hours (20°C/55%r.H.)
  • Low odour and low emissions
  • Solvent-free
  • Very low soiling tendency
  • High mechanical load-bearing capacity
  • Suitable for forklift traffic
  • Very good resistance

Pot life:

approx. 1 hour at 20°C (shorter pot life at higher temperatures)

Mixing ratio:

4 : 1 (parts by weight) with hardener

Substrate preparation:

Coatings on concrete, screed:

Mineral substrates must have set well before starting painting work, new concrete must be at least 4 - 6 weeks old. The substrate must be dry, clean, grease-free and stable; loose and sanding layers must be removed. Concrete and screed must still have sufficient absorbency to ensure adhesion. Any layers of cement paste and sinter on the surface must be removed by sandblasting, milling or treatment with dissolved citric acid. Oily concrete surfaces that have already been used are best cleaned by brushing with Jaeger 080 Special Cleaner or alkaline cleaning agents. Rinse with plenty of water or with a steam jet. Allow surfaces to dry thoroughly afterwards. Moisture on the reverse side impairs adhesion.

Magnesite or hard concrete coverings and non-absorbent substrates:

Remove wax or care products with nitro thinner. Sand the substrate or acidify with citric acid and rinse with water. If necessary, prime with Kronalit® Special Primer Resin 864 to achieve better adhesion.

Coatings on steel:

The substrate must be dry and clean, free from rust, scale, grease and chemical contamination. Use Jaeger Multigrund 715 for corrosion protection.

Sand down old coatings, we recommend preliminary tests to check adhesion.

Not suitable for glass. Carry out preliminary tests on plastics.

Number of coats: As marking: 1 - 2 x 2K Aqua Industrial Marking 357

Coating structure slip resistance (as marking):

1x special primer resin 864

1x post-scattering agent 759 with 50% for scattering into damp coating

2x 2K Aqua Industrial Marking 357 as top coat

For safety reasons, we always recommend that full-surface markings are made slip-resistant by scattering.

Note: The surface may become more soiled if grit is added. Do not use on asphalt.

Processing conditions:

The material, substrate and air temperature must not fall below 8°C or exceed 30°C during the entire application and drying time. The air humidity should be between 30% RH and 75% RH during the entire time.

Tool cleaning:

With water


product data

spreading rate

paint/roll spraying
5-7 m²/kg

item number/shade

item number shade
357-0800 Weiß
357-1023 Gelb
357-3000 Rot
357-5012 Blau
357-6018 Grün
357-9005 Schwarz

size of trading unit/box content

size of trading unit box content
1,2 kg1
2,6 kg1
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