Marking paints

Kronalux® 2K-PU-Industry-Markierspray 761

Marking paints
Kronalux® 2K-PU-Industry-Markierspray 761
2K Marking Paint in the spray can for industrial markings exposed to the highest stresses. Extremely fast drying time: fully loadable after 24 hours.
Kronalux® 2K-PU-Industry-Markierspray 761
usage calculator
Please enter here the surface size in m².
result at a averaged usage from 50 lfm / l:
on a line width from 100 mm per coat
Please consider: the usage values are ca.-values and could varied depending on the constitution of the underground

Kronalux® 2K-PU-Industry-Marking-Spray 761 was developed for idustrial Markings with maximum load. After a short drying time (24h*) the surfaces are full loadable. The rooms can be reused very quickly. The product is suitable with interiors and exteriors. The mud insesitive surface is softener stable and therefor optimally suitable for garage soil.

  • For industrial markings with maximum load
  • Fast drying time/ after 24h full loadable*
  • Mud insensitive surface
  • For exterior markings and all-over markings

*20°C/55% humidity

product data

spreading rate
paint/roll spraying
ca. 25m (at 10cm)
item number/shade
item number shade
761-9010 weiß
761-1023 gelb
761-3000 rot
761-5012 blau
size of trading unit/box content
size of trading unit box content
500 ml6

suitable products

202 Hand Marker
750 Kronalux® Road Marking Paint HS
752 Kronalux® Marking Paint
753 Kronalux® Marking Spray
757 Kronalux® 2K-PU-Industry Marking Paint
760 Jaeger Marking Stencils