Metal Protection Lacquers

Metal Conservation Lacquer Spray 609

Metal Protection Lacquers
Metal Conservation Lacquer Spray 609
Colourless, glossy protective lacquer for many substrates, for example, brass, chrome, zinc, iron, V2A-steel, copper. Light and weather resistant, heat resistant up to 180°C
Metallkonservierungslack in der Spraydose
usage calculator
Please enter here the surface size in m².
result at a averaged usage from 4.5 m² / l:
per coat of paint
Please consider: the usage values are ca.-values and could varied depending on the constitution of the underground

Colourless, glossy cover lacquer for many substrates like brass, chrome, zinc, iron, stainless steel, copper. Light and weather resistant, heat resistant up to 180°C (dry heat), fast drying and non-yellowing. Resistant to lime, cement, gypsum, smoke gases, industrial atmosphere, salts, weak acids and lyes.

  • For inside and outside.
  • Heat resistant up to 180°C.
  • Light and weather resistant
  • Fast drying
  • Protects many metals against oxidation

product data

spreading rate

paint/roll spraying
1,5-2 m²/400ml

item number/shade

item number shade
609-0000 farblos

size of trading unit/box content

size of trading unit box content
400 ml4