
Kronalit® Synthetic Resin Filler 412

Kronalit® Synthetic Resin Filler 412
Surface Filling: quick-drying resin filler with elastic properties. It is suitable for filling, smoothing and patching.

Synthetic Resin Filler for indoor and outdoor applications

Surface filling for smoothing, filling and repairing porous substrates, holes and cracks, for preparing indoor and outdoor painting work. Suitable for all kinds of painting work on primed wood and metal.

  • can be processed easily and smoothly
  • usable as a spot and surface filler
  • quick-drying
  • easily grindable
  • for wood and primed metal
  • for inside and outside use

Substrate preparation:

The substrate must be dry, clean and have a sufficient loadbearing capability. Sand smooth surfaces and old paint coatings. Prime untreated metal first, and allow it to dry thoroughly.


Apply in thin layers. Fill up deep cracks and holes in several layers, and allow for intermediate drying times. The effects of weathering may cause chipping on exterior wood substrates. When coating wood for outdoor use, please observe the BFS information sheet No. 18. Maximum crack-free wet layer thickness 1mm.

product data

item number/shade

item number shade
4120000 white

size of trading unit/box content

size of trading unit box content
400 g6
800 g12
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