
2K-PE Filling Putty 418

2K-PE Filling Putty 418
Filler for metal, wood, concrete, to fill cavities and unevenness, which is also ideally suited for repair and restoration work

2K polyester putty on the basis of highly-reactive polyester resin, free of asbestos. Filler and stopper on metal, wood, concrete, to fill cavities and unevenness, can be used for repair and restoration work, also for the fastening of screws or plugs. Very good adhesion, fast drying, easily grindable. Good stability also on vertical surfaces, can also be applied in thick layers.

  • Very good adhesion
  • Fast drying
  • Easily grindable
  • Can also be applied in thick layers
  • Suitable for metal, wood and concrete

product data

item number/shade

item number shade
418-0007 weiß
418-000H rot

size of trading unit/box content

size of trading unit box content
250 g6
1000 g6
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