Villa Venezia/Decorative Techniques

Antik Seife 985

Villa Venezia/Decorative Techniques
Antik Seife 985
Wax soap made of bleached beeswax, free of oils. For the decorative finishing and as a polishing aid for plaster and putty techniques.
Wachsseife von Jaegerlacke
usage calculator
Please enter here the surface size in m².
result at a averaged usage from 25 m² / kg:
depending on absorptive capacity from the underground, per layer
Please consider: the usage values are ca.-values and could varied depending on the constitution of the underground

Wax soap made of bleached beeswax, free of oils. For the decorative finishing and as a polishing aid for plaster like e.g. Antiqua, Stucco Romano, Epoca Marmor indoors.

Usage: Thinly apply 1-2 times with trowel depending on the desired effect. The surface can be polished after drying in order to receive an antique-aeruginous surface.

  • protects the surface
  • water-insoluble after drying
  • increases colour brilliance and colour depth

product data

spreading rate

paint/roll spraying

item number/shade

item number shade
985-0000 farblos

size of trading unit/box content

size of trading unit box content
1 kg1
suitable products
Betonoptik Spachtel im fünf Kilo Gebinde
Mineralfarbenkonzentrat in der Farbe Ockergelb
Mineralische Glättspachtelmasse - polierfähig
Mineralischer Kalkfeinputz mit Marmormehl - Antiqua von Jaegerlacke