Villa Venezia/Decorative Techniques

Epoca Marmor 949

Villa Venezia/Decorative Techniques
Epoca Marmor 949
Noble matte lime pressing technique from high-quality, mature marble pit lime. For rational lime pressing techniques in just 2 layers.
Betonoptik Spachtel im fünf Kilo Gebinde
usage calculator
Please enter here the surface size in m².
result at a averaged usage from 2 :
depending on layer thickness, per layer
Please consider: the usage values are ca.-values and could varied depending on the constitution of the underground

With Jaeger Epoca marble, a modern lime pressing technique is obtained on the basis of high-quality, mature lime putty with mineral pigments. A natural, marble-like effect can be achieved in just two layers. The mineral, satin surface provides for a typical Mediterranean ambiance. Depending on the handling, the surface may be designed as matte or satin. When reworking with antique soap, a marble-like gloss can be achieved as well (antique technology).

  • With natural seasoned slaked lime
  • Rational and easy to apply
  • Does not rip
  • Inflammable
  • Breathing surface
  • Very good water vapour diffusion (Sd=0.04 m)

Handling instruction:
Betonoptik mit Epoca Marmor 949
Holzoptik mit Epoca Marmor 949
Relieftechnik mit Epoca Marmor 949

product data

spreading rate

paint/roll spraying
per layer 2 m²/kgpro Lage 2 m²/kg

item number/shade

item number shade
949-0800 weiß

size of trading unit/box content

size of trading unit box content
5 kg1
10 kg1
suitable products
Haftgrund für die Kreativtechniken von Jaegerlacke
Mineralfarbenkonzentrat in der Farbe Ockergelb
Jaeger Glättkelle besteht aus gehärtetem Stahl