Special protection lacquers

Kronen® Aqua Strip Lacquer 392

Special protection lacquers
Kronen® Aqua Strip Lacquer 392
Strip lacquer for smooth, non-priming surfaces. To cover metal parts that are not painted, like hinges, windows and door handles, machine parts.
Abziehlack von Jaegerlacke
usage calculator
Please enter here the surface size in m².
result at a averaged usage from 2.5 m² / l:
per coat of paint
Please consider: the usage values are ca.-values and could varied depending on the constitution of the underground

Strip lacquer for smooth, non-absorbing surfaces. To cover metal parts that are not painted, like hinges, windows and door handles, machine parts, etc. made of iron, aluminum, copper, brass, but also for enamelled areas or glass, etc.; in order to protect against contaminations and light mechanical influences.

  • Quick drying resistant against water, diluted acids, lyes, steam, limestone and cement sprayer.
  • Easy to strip, also after painting with different lacquer.

product data

spreading rate

paint/roll spraying
5-6 m²/ltr.5-6 m²/ltr.

item number/shade

item number shade
392-0000 blau lasierend

size of trading unit/box content

size of trading unit box content
750 ml3
2,5 l2