Villa Venezia/Decorative Techniques

Kronen® Exquisit-Finish 963

Villa Venezia/Decorative Techniques
Kronen® Exquisit-Finish 963
Decorative gold, silver, brass and bronze putty wax for interior areas coated with Stucco Veneziano or Stucco Romano.
Spachtelwachs aus Echtgold für Glättetechniken
usage calculator
Please enter here the surface size in m².
result at a averaged usage from 50 m² / kg:
per layer
Please consider: the usage values are ca.-values and could varied depending on the constitution of the underground

Gold, silver, bronze and brass finishing wax for enhancing all smooth interior surfaces. In particular, as the final coating for smoothing techniques using Stucco Veneziano.

  • Can be polished to a high gloss
  • Protects the surface

product data

spreading rate

paint/roll spraying
15 - 25 g/m²

item number/shade

item number shade
963-0705 Messing
963-0700 Echtgold
963-0706 Bronze
963-0701 Echtsilber

size of trading unit/box content

size of trading unit box content
450 g1